Friday 24 January 2014

Parangana Dam Weekend

Australia Day long Weekend this year we decided to check out Parangana Dam with some friends.

Its only down the road from our house really so the drive up there is in our back yard so to speak!

After about 50 minutes drive we arrive and set up.

We spent the first night at the dam on our own as we went a day earlier to find some spots in the limited area seeing as it was so busy being a long weekend.
The mornings are really nice with the mist rising off the Lake.

Our friends soon arrive and we proceed to spend the weekend playing around in the Lake.

The puppys love the water as well......with their life jackets in the boat LOL

Yep don't we ever!

Tasmanian blue coloured bird

The dog is happy, she just looks sad

We went for a drive in the area and had a small bush walk and checked out the dam wall up the road.

We spent some time in the 'tinnie' having a good look around the lake.

Ok so the Im wearing a kids life jacket.....why is everyone laughing at me, its not that it?

Australia day arrives so we start it with a big breakfast and a few drinks ;)

We decided to tow our kayaks right up the other end of the lake to do some fishing

While the girls sat by the lake playing games and drinking cordial ;)

After and hour or two we arrive back to camp, with all the other campers standing on the edge of the lake taking photos at the clowns towing the kayaks around LOL

Oh and we...I mean I caught a fish yeehaaa He was at least 1 metre long...honest ;)

Our line up of boats....

And we finished the day off with a barby and drinks around the camp fire :)

The next morning was another clear calm morning to be out on the lake

And a perfect breakfast is the fish we caught of course......yes thats a huge frying pan!

After eating the very tasty trout we packed up and headed home after another great weekend in the outdoors.