Saturday 29 March 2014

A short Hike to some Huts

We decided to do a little hike up to Haberles Hut, which is an old trappers hut built in the 30's and then restored in the early 80's.

The track to the hut is known as the Parsons Track it starts at Caveside. The car park and start of the walk is near open farming land.

The walk starts out heading up an old disused 4wd track with some big old trees lining the sides.

Not long into the walk you get to a sign pointing you towards an Old Skid Way but once up the little side track it is really overgrown and very difficult to make out the old skid way in the bush.

Then not long up the road you get to Hills Logging Hut, which is quite a large hut that appears as though quite a few people have camped in it. It was built in the 60's and then restored in the 70's by the Deloraine walking club. 
It also has a log book as such which everyone (including us) puts an entry in once back from Haberles Hut.

We then arrived at Norms Spring which normally would have quite a flow of water coming down it, but today it was dry. It does have some nice plants around it though ;)

Not far up the road is Loftys Lookout although the lookout itself is getting a little over grown making it difficult to see the farming land below.

We stopped and had a quick lunch and then headed into the 'proper' Parsons track towards Haberles Hut.

The tracks keeps winding its way up through the rainforest like folaige until you get to a section aptly named 'little grunter'! It climbs up the side of the mountain very steeply but only for a short period.

With beautiful moss every where.

After it levels out for a while through a little Myrtle forest you soon get to the Hut.

The Hut itself is a lot smaller than I expected but well worth the walk up to it.

We are now at 1000 mtrs so it is quite cold so before too long we start heading back down.

We decide to take a different track back called 'Charlies Loop'. It is quite a navigational challenge as there is no defined track but with gps in hand and a keen eye for those bright pink markers we scrambled our way out through the beautiful rain forest.

Charlies Loop really is a bush bash scramble back down to the old 4wd track!

We go past what looks like a massive mud slide.

And you soon get back to the 4wd track and make your way back to the car park.

We spotted some mushrooms ;)

We signed the book at the old logging hut..........

And arrived back at the car about 5 or so hours after we set off. 

The track according to our GPS was 10.8 klm's return and climbed 550 mtrs over 5 klm's on the way up reaching 1000 mtrs at the hut.
It was a really nice little hike and if your prepared for camping it continues on to the Central Plateau World Heritage Area

Sunday 9 March 2014

The Taste of Huon and Surrounds

This trip was partly because it was our 20th wedding anniversary this week but also because it was a long weekend and we wanted to check out The Taste Huon festival.

So lets back peddle a night or so where we had a nice romantic dinner at home for our anniversary, cooked by master chef dad of course :)

We accidentally deleted the entree pic but it was a yummy oysters with bacon on a pea mash ;)

So after a nice night and after school and work we headed off to Huonville late in the afternoon.

Its all too much for one.........lucky she doesn't read our blog she would kill me for showing this pic ;)

The 3 hour drive down south is uneventful.

Its not long until we arrive in the big city

And about half an hour after that we get to the Huonville Caravan Park

We find a nice spot right on the river and set up.

The caravan park is a bit like a farm stay as they have their own stock which you can feed.

The next day we went for a drive down to Geeveston taking in any sights along the way.

Later in the afternoon we had a bit of a look around Huonville

And later that night we went and fed the animals around the caravan park.

Pigs Arse!

Awwww lol

And then we were attacked by aliens

The next day we went into the big smoke to do a bit of shopping and have a look at the museum.

After the day out in Hobart we came back to camp to watch the owner shear a sheep.

This is a new breed of tasmanian sheep ;)

After a nice roast turkey tea we sat around the fire for the rest of the night.

And some of us caught up with the world via the internet ;)

The next morning we went to the Taste of Huon festival.

And proceeded to eat and drink the fine local produce all day :)

We then went and had a look at the harbour at huonville late in the afternoon. Tried to get on a cruise but they weren't running tonight.

We then spent the rest of the day at the caravan park sitting on the green grass listening to a one man band sign in the large camp kitchen.

The next morning we packed up and came home after a great few days down south.
Oh and of course we stopped at the shops on the way home because we don't have big shops where we live ;)