Sunday 28 December 2014

Annual Mathinna Xmas and New Year Bash

Another Xmas/New year...another Mathinna Bash!

Nice weather as usual as we head up over the mountain to our camp site.

We all set up camp and strap in for some fun in the sun and relaxation

We like to spend some time in the kayaks on the river at the new bridge

We also like to go to Evercreech Reserve and have a barby and do a walk....

We also like to sometimes pop down to St Marys for a bunnings lunch and spend some time at the park

 But eventually the NYE rolls around its celebration time......

The wind must have changed

and after a day of recovery it looks like a nice roast to end another great few days at the Mathinna Bridge ;)

Saturday 20 December 2014

Junction Lake Epic Hike

Ben and I decided to do a hike to Lake Bill then Lake Myrtle...Meston......Junction and find our way out via Chapter Lake.

The weather started out to look quite promising on the way up.

But as soon as we arrived up the mountain it started to close in little and we set off in the rain.

This is Ben, he gets all the chicks

This is me..Im old and have to listen to Bens stories to relive my youth......

We sign into the log book and head up the big wet, leach infested hill

The old fart and young bloke again

Ben AKA Bob Downe 

Once we were up on the hill and removed all the leaches it was a pretty nice walk past Lake Bill

We then found a nice spot to have some lunch and dry our feet out

It was then time to head around Mount Ragoona to Lake Meston Hut.

After a bit of a break at Lake Meston Hut we decided to try our luck finding Junction Lake hut to spend the night.

And after some searching around we finally found it.

It is a copy of the Meston Lake Hut but it had a nicer feel about it so we were happy to have made the decision to find it today and as we were about to find out the next day it was a wise choice.

We had a nice fire to dry out our socks, a typical 'hiking' meal and a couple of drinks before getting a pretty ordinary nights sleep in the hut!

The next morning we woke to a very nice sunny day and not really knowing what is ahead due to there being no real track for a lengthy section on the way out.

It wasn't far into the days walk and as expected we were loosing the track in quite a few places. In most instances we were able to pick up enough of a pad to keep heading in the right direction.

But for one frantic hour we were bashing our way through some of the worst scrub you can find to only find ourselves at a dead end.

But after some reassuring map reading and plan to get up onto an escarpment we climbed our way out of trouble.

A nice site......a man made object showing a potential track :)

Give us water and more water

Once we were back on the proper track we were well relieved and knowing we were on our way out. 

And before we knew it we were back at the old 4wd track and heading back towards the road to get to the car.

It may not seem much over two days but I can assure you 33klms in the terrain we were walking was no walk in the park.

But we arrived back at the car safely albeit a bit sore and still removing leaches but received to have made it out and enjoyed making some epic memories to lie about one day down the track!