Tuesday 27 January 2015

Lake Parangana Australia Day

The last couple of years we have spent the Australia Day weekend at Lake Parangana in the Mersey Forest.

We usually head up as early as possible to ensure a spot, set up and generally relax for a few days.

I won't bore you with details but we eat, drink, chat, play on the kayaks and do all sorts of fun things with our friends.

On one of the days we even went for a little walk to the Devils Gullet Lookout.

But usually its just a matter of having fun at camp.

Until of course the rains come and the Lake rises!!

They dont last long but after a few days of fun in the sun and on the water it is time to head home again.

Friday 16 January 2015

The Complete Freycinet Walk

The full Freycinet walk is one of Tassies iconic walks that gets plenty of people each year.  So Ben and I decided we should do it too.

We do the 2 hour or so drive down there pretty early to try and avoid the crowds. But when we get there the car park is already filling up!
So we sign the registration papers and start heading up the well formed track with the droves of tourists.

But as luck would have it, 99% of the tourists are only going up to the look out to see Wineglass Bay, so we soon turn off and head towards Hazards Beach as we are doing the circuit in an anti clockwise direction.

Its not too long into the walk and we are already at Hazards Beach. Its quite windy, in fact every time I have been down here this side of the Peninsular is windy! But the sands white and waters blue.

Mount Graham and Mount Freycinet begging.

We stopped at the far end of the Beach for some lunch. In fact it was where Parks would have you camp if you decided to stay here. There is a toilet and some nice spots for your tent.

But we were now heading towards Cook Beach because we had plans to stay at near Cooks Hut for the night.

But not before seeing these scary snakes! Every time we see one it frightens us.

It is a nice little walk through the bush for a while before you again pop back out onto Cooks Beach.

At the end of Cooks Beach is the camp ground and hut. Complete with toilets and water tanks.

We found ourselves a spot and set up camp.

Then we decided to walk across to Bryans Beach for a look. And what a great location it was. 

We came back and took some more photos around camp of the hut, toilets etc.

We settled in for some tea and refreshments while being joined by some local wildlife and soon headed off to bed in anticipation of a big day the following day.

The next morning we awoke to a blue skies and perfect conditions for the views we are hoping to see.

Its back along Cooks Beach before we turn off and head up over the mountains.

Yep, Mount Graham here we come.

Its quite a slog up the mountain and of course during summer you are going to see snakes.

But once you start to get some elevation the views are world class.

We grabbed all our happy snaps once on top of Mount Graham and started heading back down the mountain towards Wineglass Bay.
Having a feed.

We stopped for a quick lunch.

Its quite a walk back down to Wineglass Bay. A pleasant walk but it is a big day in regards to elevation.
But well rewarded once your down the bottom.

We again set up camp, had tea and few drinks and generally messed around on the beach.
Ben found a new friend.

The next morning was just a nice easy still along the beach and then up over the lookout track and back down to the car.

Once at the bottom we signed out and headed home.

It is a great bang for buck walk in regards to effort vs reward. There are many options to how you do the walk so it has something for everyone.