Wednesday 28 December 2016

Annual Mathinna Xmas Bash

Yep the usual few days at Mathinna over the Xmas-New Year period.

I was flying solo again this year to due to work commitments but none the less I was there with bells on.

I take the same shot every year!

 And this looks familiar too...all set up.

 I was lucky enough to be lent a bike for a quick day ride to the pub in the paddock.

Lots of drinking, eating and chatting around the camp fire for the next few days.

I did the short walk to Mathinna Falls to grab some nice photos.

 And of course after a great few days away I grab the usual 'dirty car and camper' shot!

Saturday 3 December 2016

We finally bought a new car

Yes thats right we finally bought a new 4wd!

I wont go into the ins and outs of why we bought this particular 4wd because I have already written and in depth post here

But here it is the day we bought it. A 2016 Isuzu MUX LST.

And the first thing any 4wd'er would do is to take their new 4wd for a test run in the bush ;)

Sunday 27 November 2016

A little walk up Projection Bluff

It was a nice sunny day so we decided to have a go at walking up to the top of Projection Bluff.

The walk is quite a steep little climb up through some really nice Tassie bush.

The walk gets quite steep and its not for the inexperienced or someone who is afraid of falling......which the better half is ;)

Vertigo got the better of Michelle so I quickly ran up to an area where I could get a view and snapped a shot before we climbed back down. 

We will call this a learning experience and failed attempt but I go back up with the kids not long after this and we do the full climb....ill post that another day :)