Saturday 21 May 2016

Little Hugel and Mount Rufus Weekend

We had some plans to climb Mount Ossa via the Arm River Track but due to work commitments and timing we decided to go a shorter walk instead. So we went to Shadow Lake and climbed Little Hugel and Mount Rufus instead and I am glad we did.

As usual most of the pics are taken with the trusty iPhone except for some of those that are captioned within the border.

My day started on Friday after getting a couple hours sleep from working night shift, I was heading up towards Lake St Clair, a little concerned about the road conditions as it had snowed down to 1000 mtrs the night before.
But luckily most of it has melted by the time I went through early afternoon.

My walk started the usual way at the Visitor centre at Lake St Clair with the usual warning signs and the start of the Overland Track.

I was heading into Shadow Lake for the night so I took the Aboriginal Trail towards the Lake rather than the Overland Track.


Fast Waters

Bridge Over Fast Waters

Shelter for the micro world!

 It wasn't long and I was starting to see the snow capped mountains. This excited me as I wanted to get some good photos during the 'golden hour' but by the time I got to where I could get a shot the sun had disappeared.

But I made it to the Lake just before nightfall and set up camp in a nice location.

I made some Spag Bol for tea and fell asleep very early as night shift caught up with me.

As usual having worked night shift my sleep was sporadic at best but I was up early capturing the glass like Lake and the surrounding mountains just prior to the sun coming up.

Shadow Lake

Shadow Lake

Mount Hugel Ridge

Reflecting waters

Shadow Lake

 After taking the opportunity to get some nice photos before the winds came I was off to try and summit Little Hugel.

Little Hugel

The board walk was frozen and there was no wire to grip so it made for very slippery and slow walking!

It wasn't long before I was heading up the mountain.

A couple of nice birds watching me

And up the snowy and icey rocks I went.

It was a dangerous and difficult climb in sections given the ice on the rocks and no spikes. But Id imagine in better conditions it would be a fun little scramble to the top.

I didn't take too much notice as to what was the true summit, there were 'summit' cairns up there everywhere but considering the icey conditions I was happy that I had reached my summit.

Shadow and Forgotten Lakes

This is the scramble up.

Big Hugel from Little Hugel

A Giant in the Mist

Don't Fall!

Dangling Feet at Summit

By this time Ben had walked into the Lake and was heading towards me so I scrambled back down and met him at the base.

The snow melt made for a wet track.

We went back to my camp where I packed up and we headed towards Mount Rufus.

We found a perfect spot at the base of Mount Rufus and set up camp. 

A couple of Tarp Tents

We contemplated summiting the mountain today but I was keen to do it at sunrise the next morning so we spent the rest of the afternoon listening to the footy!

All the Luxuries!

After a freezing night and again a patchy 'night shift worker' sleep I was up early grabbing pics of Lake St Clair while it was still a bit dark.

Lake St Clair

Mount Rufus

Lake St Clair

We packed up camped while waiting for it to be just light enough to start summiting the mountain.
And off we went......

Slightly Higher View of Lake St Clair!

The views and lighting from the rising sun made this summit something special. Sorry for so many pics but there were so many to choose from ;)

Climbing Rufus

Climbing Rufus

Ben Summiting Rufus

Ginger Bread Hut

Looking towards King William Range ;)

Climbing Rufus

Sunrise going up Rufus

Climbing Rufus
Overland Track in the Distance

Tassie Mountains

Summit of Mount Rufus

Mount Rufus Summit

Frenchmans Cap in the distance

Mist in the Valleys

I was happy to be there!

So was ben....pointing to Frenchman's or just a bent thumb?

Mist in the Valley

The wind up the top was wild so there was only so much time we could spend there. The weather was also looking like it might turn so we had to head back down.

Camp down below

You can just see our packs way down there

Gingerbread Hut

Down we go.

We got to the base, grabbed our packs and headed back out using a different track that we used to get in.

Lumpy Tree

Hanging Moss

We arrived back at the car park just in time to stop at the Great Lake Hotel and grab a counter meal for lunch.

Summiting Mount Rufus has been one of the best mountains that I have climbed so far. The 360 views are outstanding. I am glad we went up at sunrise.

Heres a Youtube Video Ben made of the trip. It has some of those dodgy walk past edits that weirdos do but oh well! ;)