Saturday 15 April 2017

Arthur River Weekend

Arthur River is a nice spot and one we havent really spent a lot of time at so we popped down for a weekend and to do one of the cruises up the river.

We arrived around lunch time, popped into the Parks office to pay our fee's and set up camp at the Manuka Campgrounds.

We then popped around some of the quick and easy touristy sites for a look.

Sarah Anne Rocks

Bluff Point Lighthouse at the 'Edge of the World' and a bit of drone photography.

After a nice dinner at camp we spent the night sitting around the camp fire.

The next morning was our cruise down the Arthur River or is that UP the River?

Our host on the 'George Robinson' was very informative and entertaining. He passed around a whale tooth and painted the kids faces!

One of the highlights was when he fed the Sea Eagles.

Sea Eagle Nest

Sea Eagle ;)

She/He got the fish!

After the excitement of feeding the Eagle we continued on up the river to our lunch spot, where we docked and got off the boat for a little walk in the bush and a nice lunch.

The docking area is named 'Turks Landing' which I wasn't sure was a good thing!!

However the BBQ lunch was nice and they served wine with lunch.....NO BEER only wine OUCH!

Again our host was very informative as we did the little walk around the river edge.

Once back at the BBQ area it was time to eat lunch, have a drink of wine and enjoy the wild life who also enjoyed our lunch ;)

Back on the boat after lunch it was just a leisurely cruise back to where we came from.

Later that day we had to buy some gas for a camper and the local shop didnt sell it so we went for a drive up to Marrawah to get some.
And while we waited we popped down to the beach to have a look.

The next day we packed up and headed towards home. 

We stopped on the way home to have a play with our drone along a river.

Next stop was Sumac Look out. The sign was better than the view in my opinion!

We then did the walk to have a look at Lake Chisolm.

And then we went home after another great weekend away.