Tuesday 13 February 2018

Fortescue Bay and Hobart Summer Break

So I am still on my solo summer break, this time I wanted to walk out to Cape Hauy as I didnt get out there when I walked the three capes track last year.

I arrived on the last day of a long weekend to a packed camp ground. I had to wait for the crowds to leave their camp sites before I could set up mine.

It wasnt an ideal position but it was the only spot they had me booked into and wouldnt let me camp down at the nicer camp grounds closer to the better beach.

I had plenty of friends to keep me company as usual.

The next day I had a look around the area and spent some time laying around on the beach.

It was a wild night, the area was hit with really high winds so a lot of my time was spent sheltered from the wild weather. 

The next day however the weather was nice enough to do the walk I had come down here for out to Cape Hauy.

It is a reasonably steep track with a lot of stairs.

My destination in the distance.

The famous Totem Pole that people climb!

I then spent the rest of the day hanging around camp with my friends.

The following day I packed up and headed towards Hobart for a couple of nights but stopped at some of the sites on the way.

Tasman Arch

Devils Kitchen

Blowhole that wasnt really blowing.

I set up camp at a caravan park near Hobart. I did some shopping, drove to a look out to take a photo or two and relaxed at camp waiting for the family to come down as it was now a weekend and we had planned on spending the weekend together down here.

However the weather forecast was for rain and high winds and I was getting alittle camped out at this stage so I told the family to stay home as I was coming home instead.

I called into the Richmond Bridge which is the oldest stone span bridge in Australia.

Going away on your own isnt always fun but I enjoyed the solitude oddly enough. Its not something I do a lot of but it is how it panned out this time due to work commitments.