Saturday 26 November 2011

Mathinna Camping weekend

We got ourselves a new tent so we wanted to test it out before heading off to use it on a family holiday to NSW in January 2012.
It is a cheap ebay tent but after our big holiday I dont think it will get much use as we are planning on buying a camper trailer.

We headed off friday afternoon stopping a few times to get some refreshments and to load the trailer with wood. Once there we all pitched in and set up camp. The new tent went up nice and easy and isnt too bad considering the price.

We got a nice big fire going, had an easy tea and had a reasonably early night ready for a big day the next day.

The next day, Saturday we were up nice and early and had a big day ahead of us.

After breakfast we went on a 4wd trip through Dans Valley and down the infamous 'Jeep' Track rain forest to emerge at St Columbia falls.

St Columbia falls claims it is the largest falls in Tassie but I think Montuzuma Falls is bigger?

We then went for a look around the plantations in the upper Mathinna area.

We got back to camp nice and early, time enough to find some worms for fishing, do some playing around the river skimming rocks etc and generally having fun. It was nice and hot, so water fun it had to be.

Some randoms from around the area


That night we made another huge fire, had a nice meal, cooked some damper and played around with the torches and the camera!

The next morning we caught ourselves an eel! eeeew lol 


We let him go, had breakfast and slowly packed up and went home after another great weekend away.
Life does not get any better :)

Sunday 20 November 2011

Cradle Mountain Getaway

This weekend the kids were all staying at friends houses, so we thought we'd make the most of our kid-free time and went away for the weekend.

Silly us, didn't charge the DSLR camera so when it counted we had no decent camera! So we made do using our phone cameras. We didn't get any pics of our accommodation, however we stayed at a caravan park in a nice cosy cabin. The day we got there it was nice and sunny but we elected to not do any of the mountain walks until the next day. 
We took some gourmet food and cooked up a feast and enjoyed the night eating, drinking, and talking.

The next morning we woke up to the worst weather you could imagine! But not to miss out on the mountain walk we took a risk and got our parks pass and headed off on a 6klm walk hoping it wouldn't rain!

A view of the lake we are about to walk around and the weather!

But we didn't let the possibility of rain stop us, so off we set!

I can tell you we had 4 seasons in the one afternoon. It started raining, then sleeting, it hailed, it blew a gail and then the sun came out! LOL 

 Once we had got most of the way around the lake and experienced all sorts of conditions the weather was great. It was about now we wished the camera had a charged battery lol

 It was a nice relaxing weekend and we look forward to going back up there with the kids and doing some more walks...hopefully this time when it is sunny ;)