Saturday 19 November 2011

Black River Camping weekend

We went to Black River Camp ground near Stanley for a few nights to get away from the stresses of life, and it worked a treat :) We were originally only going to go Saturday and Sunday night but the kids were so excited we went up Friday afternoon instead! Lucky we were travelling light for this trip and using the easy to set up rooftop tent rather than the big tent.

We set up, had a look around the camp grounds, went for a walk along the beach, collected some sticks to start a fire, had a few drinks and an easy tea and had a relatively early night ready for a big day tomorrow.

The next morning we woke up to nice sunny weather, had breaky and headed out for the day to look at some of the local sites.
The drive up to Dip Falls is a nice easy run through farming towns and rain forest.

Starting with a nice nature walk in the rain forest and a walk around dip falls.

Dip Falls is a very nice spot but the steps down to it are for the energetic ;)

 We then went into Smithton to do some shopping and grab some lunch, which we ate down at the foreshore. After our late lunch we headed back to camp to get another fire going and to cook a roast in the camp oven.

But not before we took some silly photos :)

After and afternoon of playing on the beach, messing around at the camp grounds we had a nice roast meal, a few drinks and a fairly late night.

The next morning we woke up to another nice day and decided to spend the day at the beach, do some fishing and play around on the sand dunes.

No fish caught as usual LOL

Some of the wildlife ;)

Polly dog enjoying the water and chasing the birds.

 We enjoyed watching this mad bugger flying around on his paraglider thingy!!

Kids and sand, great mix for a days fun.

A walk across to the sand dunes got us slightly wet....brrrrr 

Some nice sites around the river....and one odd site ;)

After a long fun day on the beach it was back to camp again for showers, marshmellows in the fire, a nice meal after a nice snack or two, watched a movie and had another great night.

Kids roughing it!

Yummo :) 

The next morning we packed up, paid our fee's at the gate and headed home after a fantastic weekend.


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