Monday 26 December 2011

Christmas 2011 at the Gelstons :)

Christmas 2011 at our house was a very special one for personal reasons, we done the usual getting up early to do the present openings, large traditional lunch, large traditional tea, a few drinks and an early night :)

The whole clan :)

Our Xmas tree at night and ready to go Xmas morning.

Opening our presents. Michelle (mum) got an iPhone4s but she is too busy playing with it to get a photo.

Saturday 17 December 2011

Swimcart Beach Camping Weekend

We decided to head over to the East Coast for the weekend for a bit of R&R. We packed up after work Friday and after grabbing some food and refreshments on the way we finally arrived late in the day around 7pm. We checked out several camp sites, all of which were packed but ended up finding a nice spot at Swimcart beach.

Almost dark, Friday night after we set up camp.

The next morning Michelle was up nice and early and went down to the beach to get some nice photos of the sunrise.

Some pics of our camp site. Note our glamorous loo! 

After breakfast we went for a bit of a drive along the coast to check out any other potential future camp sites. We also went up a bush track and got ourselves a load of wood for the camp fire :)

We then came back to camp had a sausage sizzle for lunch and then went into St Helens to collect some supplies and had a walk around the town and a look at the local markets.

After we got back we spent the afternoon playing on the beach.

Here are some of the other beaches we checked out earlier in the day!

After a full days fun we came back and made ourselves a camp oven roast chicken, it was very yummy. 


 Some night time shots around the camp fire. 

 The next day after breakfast we packed up and came home through Weldborough and Derby.

While at Derby we checked out the old school museum and learnt a bit about the tin mining history. 

 We got home late in the arvo after another very enjoyable weekend away :)