Sunday 4 December 2011

Bellingham to Bridport 4WD'ing on the dunes

Today we went on one of Tassie's well known 4WD trips from Bellingham to Bridport along the beach and sand dunes. It was a nice day for it, a little breezy but warm enough.

We had several friends come along, or should I say we tagged along with them ;) And this particular 4WD track attracts plenty of other 4 wheelers.

As we were driving along the beach we came across a random seal! We have never seen a seal in the wild like this, it was so peaceful and not bothered by us taking photos at all.
Later in the day we also came across a huge whale carcus beached, we didn't get photos because of the smell LOL

As usual in the soft sand there is the need to pull the odd person out of bother.

The sand dunes are big and great fun for the kids to play on. 


This photo is worthy of being slightly larger. Ben was extremely lucky to have got out of this. Many 4wd's have been swamped by the tide here. We broke a winch in half and had many attempts at snatching him out before we finally got him out of there!

Sarah and Adam love playing on the dunes ;)

After a nice barby lunch we went around to the dunes for the bigger kids to play on!

 It was a great day had by all. We had to do the usual recovering of 4wd's and we stopped at the pub on the way home for a couple of refreshing drinks :)


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