Friday 2 November 2012

Mathinna November Long Weekend

We were pretty keen to get back to Mathinna for a weekend, mainly because it is a great place to free camp, it has fresh water, its great for kayaking and has heaps of fire wood so we can have a nice big fire.

We had Friday off work and school and made it an extra long weekend and headed up around lunch time friday.

We got there without any issues and set up camp. It was nice to see the mud flaps were working as intended!

Once set up we went and grabbed some fire wood so the others that were arriving later didnt have to worry about it. Poor old Patrol is being used as a ute.

Not too long later, everyone else arrived and set up camp.

The dog watched the progress.

We all spent the night having a drink around the camp fire.

The next day we spent around camp kayaking, not catching fish and generally messing around.

This is me not catching fish as usual.

We managed to get in some camp oven cooking later that day.

And everyone spent the rest of the night sitting around the fire having a few drinks.

The next morning we went for a drive through the bush to St Columbia Falls and then Pyengana Pub for a counter meal and to give the pig in the paddock a drink of beer!


We collected some more fire wood on the way home and spent the rest of the night all sitting around the fire having a drink again!

The next day was too nice to leave early so we spent the most of the day playing around in the river again and relaxing around camp.

Later in the day we packed up and went home after another great weekend at Mathinna.


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