Saturday 19 October 2013

'Bangor' Myswag Get Together

A few friends of ours had discovered a really nice camping spot at a property called Bangor in the south east of the state so they headed down for a weekend.

We popped down for one night to have a few drinks and to check the place out. We took the roof top tent so we were travelling nice and light.

The drive down there was uneventful taking in a few sights along the way.

After a few hours we arrived at the property.

And proceeded to find the camp site after driving through the farms.

Grabbed the secret squirrel key to unlock the gates.

And bang, we found them all and set up our roof topper.

The camp site is amazing. It has its own private beach, a long drop loo, an old fire place with wood supplied and some seating.

Sarah took a friend so they set up their own little tent.

After a couple of days relaxing on the beach and great night spend with friends it was time to head back out of the property and go home :(

This is one spot we will definitely go to again.


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