Saturday 14 November 2015

Ironstone Hut Hike

Michelle wanted a nice easy walk for an overnight adventure so I figured the walk into Ironstone Hut from Lake Mackenzie should do the trick.

We set off on a beautiful sunny day, albeit slightly chilly.

The boulders around the Lake and a couple of the river crossings proved to be a bit harder than we expected or I remember from my last trip up here! 

But wet feet aside we made it to Lake Explorer

We had a bit of a late start and it was now getting very late in the day. We contemplated camping near Explorer or Snake Lake but I convinced Michelle that it wasn't too far and we would be at the Hut, so to her credit she pushed on :)

It was quite late in the day and darkness was threatening but we made it to the hut to find it empty.

Michelle asked where the Loo was, so when I told her I said make sure you shut the door....she thought that was an odd thing to say until.......

hehehe A room with a view!

We lit a fire, had a nice meal, some drinks, listened to some music and had a nice night in the hut with the resident Possum watching on.

The next day was slightly overcast but we pretty much came back out the same way we went in.

The boulders around the Lake proved to be just as difficult for Michelle to negotiate as they were on the way in, she has a definite fear of heights. 

But we arrived back at the dam wall unscathed and was happy to see our car was still where we left it 

It was a great little walk to a lovely little hut.


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