Tuesday 15 March 2016

Stanley Weekend

We have been trying to get to Stanley for a long time so when the long weekend came up we took the opportunity.

We chose to stay at Pioneer Park camping ground and as it turned out it is the weekend they have a walk up country music show.

We got down there early enough too get a good spot and set up camp and looked around the park.

The next morning Adam and Erin came to join us and to go to Stanley to look at the Nut.

It was a nice day for it, the country side is beautiful on the North West Coast.

After getting the photos overlooking the Nut we went up the nut on the chair lift.

Once at the top we did the full walk around the top.

We then went for a really nice lunch.

After lunch we went and had a play on Sisters Beach, it was packed!

Then back to camp for home made Pizzas and drinks around the camp fire.

The next morning we went to the Taste of Harvest Festival at Devonport.

Then back to camp to listen to some country music!

It was such a great weekend we might do it again next year.


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