Tuesday 26 April 2016

Mount Field Festival

We decided to go somewhere nice to test out our new camera and hopefully start the long journey of learning to take some better photos, so we decided to go to Mount Field National Park, which coincidentally had a 'Fagus' Festival on this weekend!

What is Fagus you ask.....well the short answer is that it is Tasmania's only true deciduous tree. The long answer is here http://www.parks.tas.gov.au/file.aspx?id=6511

Fagus Up Close

Im not one for that sort of thing but when its in full Autumn bloom people travel from all over to see it in its full colourful glory ;)

Anyway back to the weekend. We had one of those rare child free weekends so we decided to take a leisurely route down to New Norfolk to our accomodation. But as it turned out there wasn't a lot to look at really but we did spot this unusually located attraction.

The Steppes Stones

 After a quick stop in a little town to grab a snack we soon arrived at New Norfolk. We had some time to spare while waiting for our accomodation to be ready so we had a look around town and starting playing with our camera!

Our first stop was a nice looking park called Arthur Square.

Ah, shutter speed, this is how it works ;)

Aperture....yep ok got it

And now for some of the 'nicer' pics

An Old Church

A Red Rose

A Purple Flower!

A Yellow Flower

A Grasshopper

Our next stop was Willow Court. This place had a small car boot style market, lots of old cars, a museum and a nice little place for lunch.
Ill start out with the happy snaps again and then show some of my favourite pics I took a bit a time to take.

Our lunch stop and our lunch!

And the 'nicer' pics

Leyland Truck

Old Mental Asylum!

A Row of old cars

An Old Ford Truck

Dodge Truck 

Falcon Ute

Rusty Bolt

Maple Leaf

We were now able to go to our accomodation and we were pleasantly surprised at how nice it was for the money.

Especially the gardens which your encouraged to wander around in and look at.

We then went back into town to grab some supplies and also went to a look out to grab a nice panorama of the town.

New Norfolk

Once back at our beautiful accomodation of the Derwent River we took the opportunity to grab some more nice pics in the fading light.


Mushroom of the edible variety

Some Old Wagon Wheels

Still Waters

Setting Sun

The next morning I missed the sunrise but I did manage to get back out to the river to grab a couple more nice pics :)

Misty Waters

Reflecting Sun

The next morning after a big breakfast, all courtesy of the accomodation we were on our way to the Fagus Festival.

We popped in to have a look at salmon farm but the entry fee didn't encourage us especially considering we have a salmon farm near our home.
We did however like the row of tree's out the front!

We arrived at the festival to our amazement that it was going to be a very crowded day.

So we did our best to avoid the crowds and went on a 4 hour walk to some water falls and tall tree's.

Random Banjo Player

Russell Falls

Russell Falls

Horseshoe Falls

Horseshoe Falls

Then into the talks tree's section.

Tall Tree's


Mossy Stump


Lady Barron Falls

Lady Barron Falls

Glowing Fern

Once we were back from our walk we went and had a look around the festival to try and find some lunch.

However none of the food stands had any food left! So we went into the visitor centre cafe and grabbed some food.

There was also supposed to be a bus that went up to Lake Dobson but it too was not taking any more passengers as it was too busy so we drove up a little way ourselves to have a look at the Fagus.......thats what the festival is all about after all ;)

We then had to head home as it was getting late. But not before stopping to grab these nice pics.

Reflecting Water

Reflecting Water

As it was getting dark before we got home we managed to grab a few more pics of the setting sun, albeit at 100kph inside the car!

And that was another nice weekend away.


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