Sunday 12 June 2016

A Cosy Little Corner Weekend

June long weekend is always a cold one being winter of course but we wanted to get away for a couple of days so we took he camper to St Helens.

We had a look at a few of the free camps along the coast but settled on Cosy Corner Sth and set up camp. It was not very busy so we had a really nice spot right on the beach, or at least only a few metres from it.

After setting up camp we drove into St Helens and bought some groceries to come back and cook tea. 
We lit a fire but as forecast, the weather was very cold even sitting around the fire so we had an early night inside the camper playing games in the comfort of the diesel heater :)

The next morning we decided go into St Helens again and look at the markets and just look around town a bit.

But before we did I grabbed some pics of these people doing some surfing.

There was a car show at a nearby town so a few of the cars we floating around the streets.

After a nice morning in town we went back to camp to spend the rest of the day messing around on the beach.

We stopped on the way back to camp to say hello to a few horses.

Just a collection a pics from the arvo on the beach.

And then a bit of fun around camp with the cameras.

Our Junior photographer 

It was a warmer night so we lit another fire and spent the night listening to the Footy, having tea while sitting around it. Polly was not as interested.

As the sun was setting the sky lit up so we rushed down tot he beach to try and capture it.

After dark we messed around with some torch painting photos and then went back into the warmth of the camper to watch a movie.

The next morning we packed up and decided to go to Little Blue Lake on the way home to have a look.

The lake wasn't as blue as it could be, I think its due to the reflection in the overcast sky or something.

But we jumped back into the car and drove home after another really nice weekend away.


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