Sunday 11 June 2017

A Weekend in Burnie

I usually miss out on a lot of the simple no real reason weekends away on this blog and just stick to the interesting stuff Im having a rainy day of playing catch up thought Id throw this one in while Im on a roll!

Yes it was a simple weekend at Burnie for no real reason other than to get out of the house.

When we first arrived I went and had my hair cut while the girls played on the foreshore.

Then we went and had a brunch......

Checked into our room.

Did some shopping and went and had a look at guide falls.

And then we had a walk around Fern Glade.

Lots of Funguys!

We also had a look at the Lighthouse.

And we went to a nice Pub for dinner........

Yep, not a lot to see but it was a nice weekend away.


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