Friday 26 January 2018

Australia Day at Strahan

The weather was looking nice on the West Coast so we booked into the caravan park at Strahan and decided to spend the weekend down there.

A quick stop at a look out on the way down to see Cradle mountain and Barn Bluff in the far distance.

We set up camp at the caravan park where Australia day festivities had already started.

We popped in Strahan to have a coffee and book ourselves onto the Gordon River Cruise the following morning.

We then went out to Macquarie Heads to have a good old Lamb chop Barby for Australia day

Then it was back to the beach near camp for some pre dinner nibbles and a drink.

The following morning we boarded the boat for our cruise.

Not that we would want to judge but we found the one piece dress sense of these two chaps rather amusing!

Then it was off to Sarah Island for the guided tour.

Then back to the boat for a nice lunch and few drinks.

Before heading up the river to disembark and do a little walk.

Our fancily dressed friends again ;)

Then it was off to have a quick look at a saw mill as we left our boat after another great day cruising.

We then went back down to the beach for a few more drinks to watch the sunset before heading out to dinner.

So many nice sunset photos I didn't know which ones to show........

Dinner at the local pub.

The following morning we packed up and slowly headed home.

We stopped at Queenstown for brunch and came across this gent with his pet bird!

Did the usual touristy pics on the way out of town.

Had a quick stop to look at the dry horsetail falls.

And then popped in to have a look at Nelson Falls.

And finally grabbed a nice photo with Frenchmans cap in the background.

Another great weekend on the West Coast.


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