Saturday 27 April 2013

Coles Bay Long Weekend

Michelle really wanted to have another look at the Freycinet National Park so we chose the long weekend to head down.

We didnt get away until pretty late on the Friday so by the time we got there it was dark. It was our first ever set up in the dark, so finding a spot at the 'river and rocks' free camp wasn't that easy because we couldnt really see but we positioned ourselves good enough and proceeded to set up just the main part of the camper.

Being so late we went into Coles Bay and had a counter tea at the pub. After tea we went back to camp to bed.

The next day we awoke to a nice enough day and found that our site was pretty good considering we couldnt see when we set up.

We went for a bike ride around the camp grounds and explored a few roads near by then we went for some short walks in the national park which names escape me but here are the pics anyway!

Sleepy Bay

After the nice walks we went back to camp for lunch then back into the national park again to do the big wineglass bay walk.

We were all pretty tired after a full day doing walks so back to camp for a nice night of relaxing.

The next day we went up to the other end of the national park to check out the camp sites that you pay for......they were all too small for us but nice all the same. 
We explored friendly beaches for most of the morning.

We went back to camp for lunch then back into Coles Bay to explore the town and some of its surrounding little beaches.

Honeymoon bay

Later that afternoon from advice from the national parks lady we explored a 4wd track and hidden camp site and an absolute hidden gem of a beach that is inaccessible to most people.

We went back to camp and pulled down our awning and battened down the hatches so to speak as there were severe wind warnings for the area for that night.
And what a night it was! No sleep. The wind was over 100kph and it was wild, luckily we came out the other side unscathed but with a bad nights sleep lol
The next morning we had to pack up and head home.

A tree near us that was blown down by the wind!

On the way home we had a look around Swansea and its surrounding areas.

 Spikey bridge!

And that was another nice weekend away :)


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