Saturday 6 April 2013

Copper Cove Overnight Hike

Me and Michelle are starting to enjoy walking, well I should say Michelle enjoys walking but I need to have a destination or a purpose to walk any great distance. Walking around the streets for the sake of health is not my thing ;)

So we have started doing some nice little day walks and this is progressing into overnight hikes and one day we might even do multi day hikes.

So we got all our gear, both bought hiking packs and filled them with everything we should need for an overnight hike and a heap of stuff we didnt need and headed up to Narawntapu National Park for a walk to Copper Cove.

It was a beautiful sunny day as we headed off around 10am passing through the wet lands.

And a short time later arriving at the base of Archers Knob in which we climbed.

To some stunning 360 deg views.

We then headed back down to the beach along the hiking track with some nice plantation and several locals, which we only managed to get a photo of one ;)

After a kay or so along the beach we then had to climb over the headland and make our way back down into Copper Cover.

We were treated to a very private and secluded little camp spot in which you need to be given very precise directions to find otherwise you wouldnt have a hope in finding it.

Check out our little camp and the view. Photos dont do it justice.

We were going to spend the rest of the day hiking over Badgers head but we were satisfied with our hike for one day and instead spent the rest of the day messing around in the cove.

It truly was a stunning place to stay the night and a very unique experience.

I have to say though, we didnt get a lot of sleep due to our self inflating hiking mattresses going down! They are getting pretty old and both obviously have holes in them LOL

Not to worry we were up the next morning packed up and hiked back out, this time electing to walk all the along the beach back to our car for something different.

We arrived back to our car around 10am pretty exhausted and felt satisfied we had accomplished something pretty good. I think we hiked over 18 kilometres so it was a pretty big walk for us but looking forward to the next one :)


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