Thursday 16 April 2015

Overland Track Cradle Mountain to Lake Saint Clair Day 4

“He would lie in the bed and finally, with daylight, he would go to sleep. After all, he said to himself, it is probably only insomnia. Many must have it.” 

Huts........not for me. Not when they are full of people anyway. Im not anti-social but I cant sleep in a room with a bunch of strangers.

It was raining, nothing too bad but enough to warrant the rain jackets. I made scrambled eggs and salmon for breakfast, checked my progress on the GPS and headed off on a damp day.

I was only 10 minutes into the day when I had to remove my rain jacket, it was just too hot walking with it on and the rain and stopped even though still threatening.

The track was mostly natural terrain or remnants of some track work being done in the past.

I took a little side trip down to the river for a look.

But then it was simply a pleasant walk up to Pelion Gap.

 I was hoping to climb one of the mountains once I got to Pelion Gap but the weather was too closed in to bother. 
Going by the packs sitting on the track others had taken the effort but they later told me they didn't get rewarded with any views.

Mount Ossa that way.......

Pelion West...or was that East...I cant remember!

As I walked down from the gap through the blooming Fagus tree's the skies did break open a little and I was considering making a dash up Pelion East but no sooner had I thought about it the skies closed back up again.

Lots of track work in the area.

And heres why, its quit muddy.

I cant remember if this was Mount Massif or Ossa under the clouds

But it wasn't too long as I was at Kiaora Hut.

The boots is always a good indication on how many are going to spend the night in the little hut.

But thats not for me so I quickly find myself a nice platform and set up camp.

Only 8 kays for the day, easy.

I then spent a while looking around the hut and its surrounding river.

I sat in the hut for a while and chatted to the others while I made some lunch.

As the sun set it was time for tea. It started drizzling a little bit so I sat in my vestibule and had a drink.....of the whiskey kind ;)

And that was pretty much it. I went to bed when it was dark and read for a little while.

Day 4 You tube Video


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