Friday 17 April 2015

Overland Track Cradle Mountain to Lake Saint Clair Day 5

"If you're happy, if you're feeling good, then nothing else matters"

I woke this morning and actually felt great. I clearly remember as I started walking how good my body felt. Its hard to say if it is because I have been taking an anti inflammatory on a daily basis or I just genuinely feel bloody great! No sore feet, no sore back, no sore anything.

The weather was clearing as I set off on what was a very pleasant part of the track.

Its not far into your day and you suddenly go from beautiful thick forest to an open oasis of what is Ducane Hut. I can see why Paddy Hartnett chose this location.

It is again a very pleasant stroll down towards the junction to the waterfalls.

I got to the turn off to Dalton Falls and went down for a look. They were amazing. The amount of water flowing over them was staggering. Where does it all go?

I then went down the track a bit more to the turn off to Hartnett Falls. I quickly had lunch and headed down the big hill to the falls.

Once down there I was again rewarded with beautiful falls.

I met one of the private hut groups as I was coming back out and I had to have a laugh at all the packs at the junction. At least I hide mine so it didn't detract from anyones 'wildness' experience as they passed by!

It was then the slog up over Ducane Gap which is famous on the track as being the last hill and it is supposedly all down hill from here!

Once up over the top it was down hill to Windy Ridge Hut or Windy Fridge Hut as some like to call it! Actually it is Bert Nichols Hut.

I look at the past...

I was first to the hut and again quickly found the best platform for me and set up camp.

I spent some time in the hut with the others and when it got dark I went to bed.

You Tube Video of Day 5 


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