Saturday 18 April 2015

Overland Track Cradle Mountain to Lake Saint Clair Day 6

“You will do foolish things, but do them with enthusiasm.” 

I had a possum try to sleep with me last night but a few whacks on his nose had him try to find another bed.

Today the weather was really breaking and the sun was going to shine. 

A quick check on my progress and I was planning on staying at Echo Hut tonight with a few others. Most were going to catch the ferry out and avoid the 17klm walk along the lake once they reached Narcissus Hut.

The walk towards Narcissus Hut is again easy and very nice.

It doesn't take too long and I am at the bouncy bridge that goes across Narcussis River.

And then bang, the end for most. I agonised over catching the ferry back and ending my walk there and then. 
But in the end I decided to push on and I even made the silly decision to push on all the way out!
It was to be a big 28-30klm day but the thought of my own bed and a decent meal was starting to overwhelm me.
I phoned my wife (yes there was suddenly phone reception which made the decision so much easier) and made arrangements to be picked up in a few hours.

So with the decision made off I went thinking it was a nice flat walk out.

The first part of the track was reasonably easy but for the most part it is up and down, wet and muddy and lots of roots making it hard under foot. Its nothing too bad but when your on a 25+ klm day it is tiring, or perhaps its because I was expecting a walk in the park to go out via the lake?

When I arrived at Echo Point I was starting to regret my decision to walk out. This location would have been perfect for the night.

I ran into quite a few funguys on the way out ;)

But kept on plugging away at it........

I was worn out and muddy!

But once you get to watersmeet, it is an easy stroll along an access road back to the visitor centre.

I met my wife and she snapped this almost shows in graphic detail how tired I was at the end of this long day.

I got to the official end just on dark.

The visitor centre was just about to close so I didn't get a burger or beer but some others that had caught the ferry out earlier that day were there and bought me out some potato wedges :)

It was then into the car and back to reality........

I forgot to snap a pic of the GPS but it was just on 90 klm's for the whole trip. This of course included side trips and the complete walk out past the lake.

Youtube Video of Day 6

The Overland Track was a great experience. I will definitely be doing it again. In fact as I write this blog (over 12 months later...yes I am behind a bit in my blog!) I am starting to consider my next trip.

Its not overly hard at all. I did prepare for it by doing quite a few walks around Tassie and the OLT ended up being easier than several of my preparation walks. 

If you are lucky enough to get good weather like I did for the most part then it will be very enjoyable. Of course it can be terrible weather and that would change the experience!

Anyone contemplating it, stop thinking about and go and do it.


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