Friday 7 December 2012

Another Port Sorell Weekend

Michelles mum is holidaying in Tassie so we took the opportunity to spend the weekend with them at Port Sorell.

After work Friday we headed off pretty late but it was a nice day, we set up camp and had a bit of a look around the area.

The next day was another nice sunny day so we spent some time playing around on the beach and basically relaxing around camp.

Note to self...breathe in when someone is taking a photo ;)

Sarah loves playing with these things!

Back to camp for lunch and a play on the xbox for some!

Then back to the beach

Then back to camp for tea and to settle in around the fire for a few drinks. We had all the lads pop in for a visit too but didn't take any pics.

The next morning we packed up and went home after another great weekend up the coast.


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