Monday 31 December 2012

Xmas to New Year Mathinna Day 6

Day 6, pack up day. We packed a few odds and sods the night before so pack up the next day after breakfast was nice and fast considering we had the whole show out.

We decided to go home the long way for a couple of reasons, first was to see Ralph Falls and second was to take the camper on some very bad roads to make sure it stands up to the did!

After having a look at a few interesting things on the way it was not long and we arrived at Ralph Falls.

It is a really nice walk to the falls and to the gorge look out.

After a nice few hours at the falls we headed home, stopping to grab a photo of the wood carvings at Ledgerwood and the lookout at the 'sidling'

So that was our annual camping trip up the bush. Everyone had a good time although we think next years xmas to new year camping location might be a different one as we do this area quite a lot.


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