Saturday 29 December 2012

Xmas to New Year Mathinna Day 4

Day 4 and another hot and sunny day and would turn out to be a huge day.

After breakfast we went down the road to Mathinna Falls. We have been to the falls before but we were told about some more falls up higher and went to see if it was true.

We found the track up to the higher falls, it was a bit to scary and dangerous for the girls so I went up and took a couple of photos.

The climb up to the higher falls is not recommended! It is a one slip and your in deep trouble type of climb and I wont be doing it again...especially wearing crocks!

Back down to the main falls I felt a lot better.

We went back to camp for a quick lunch and then Russell and myself came up with a plan to drive our Kayaks 10 kilometres up the road and kayak back to camp!! It was either going to be the stupidest thing I have ever done or one of the best....luckily it was definitely one of the best, in fact an epic adventure that took several hours and taught us a lot.

I am sure the photos dont do it justice and our waterproof camera (Michelles iPhone with a lifeproof case) went flat so we didnt get as many pics as we would have liked.

Here is a tacky little youtube video of some of our adventure!

Soloman Russell with his solo and the both of us getting ready to leave LOL

And off we go!

Dont ask! LOL

Russell found gold and ironically enough found a gold pan a bit further down stream.

What the video and photos dont show is the obstacles and mishaps! The river had rapids, deep sections, dangerous sections and taught us a lot in a few short hours. We both had a dip in the water going down rapids and quickly learnt that we need to buy some kayaking helmets and life vests wouldnt hurt as well if we get any more adventurous....which is very possible :)

While we were gone the family played around the river and camp and eventually was happy to see us return relatively unscathed.

We returned to our ever growing campsite.

There was a small fire up on the hill and the local firetruck had to make a trip down to the river to pump water into the truck which was a bit of unexpected entertainment for everyone.

We had beautiful roast chicken cooked in the weber and spent another night around the camp fire, although it was an early night for a couple of worn out kayakers LOL


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