Sunday 30 December 2012

Xmas to New Year Mathinna Day 5

Day 5 and one of us woke up very sore from the previous days play! Oh and because a group of kookaburras decided to wake us very early in the morning.

We had breakfast and headed down to St Helens for the day driving through the bush to get there.

We had a nice counter meal at the St Helens pub and went and messed around on some of the many beaches in the area.

We then headed to Peron Dunes for a play and spent some time watching all the kids in their 4wds and quad bikes etc racing around the beach.

Here is a quick video of a near miss on the dunes.....

After a nice day down the coast we went back to camp and once again cooled off down at the river playing around for a while before settling in again for the night well and truly worn out from another full day.


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