Saturday 11 October 2014

Simpson Desert Crossing Day 4

Day 4 again started early with me doing my best to capture the amazing sunrise.

It would turn out to be a long hot day. And when I say hot I mean so hot we had to keep opening the petrol tank cap on the car to relieve the pressure otherwise all we could smell inside the car was petrol fumes.
It was 45 degree's outside, lucky we had air con inside the car. The flies were out their millions so there was no sense stopping until the sun was about to go back down so we put in a big day.

The track was really rough too. This was late in the season so we were one of the last to cross. In fact we only saw one other vehicle the whole time and coincidentally they too were in a silver Prado!

Late in the day we arrived at Poeppel Corner.

And as the sun was setting we set up camp and spent yet another magnificent night by the camp fire.


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