Saturday 26 January 2013

A Sunny West Coast Long Weekend Day 2

We were up and packed up nice and early to a misty foggy sort of a morning, which is common up in the highlands.

After buying a coffee (it was quicker than making our own as we forgot and packed everything up!) we were on the road heading towards Queenstown.

Not long after leaving we arrived at 'The Wall', it is a display of wood carvings, but sadly it has a strict no camera policy so the photos are limited.


The carvings are truly amazing, but unfinished. I am not convinced the $35 entry price for the three of us was worth it until they finish the display, but still it was something different.

From there we drove on down to Queenstown. It is a very scenic drive but for us it was still foggy so not a lot to look at in the distance. There are some nice walks and a water fall to see on this road but we have done the water fall before and time constraints didnt allow us to do any of the walks.

 It was close enough to lunch time when we arrive at Queenstown so after a look around the local shops we found a nice pub for lunch.

 Queenstown has more pubs than people but we chose the Empire Hotel for a $12 lunch.

At $12 it was only just a meal but nice enough and our second Prime Minister dined there so I guess it was worth it!

After our half lunch we went and had a look at the 'Galley Museum' and at only $13 it was well worth it. In fact we could have spent a lot more time in this place but had to rush it a bit.

It is in one of the old pubs and must have around 20 different rooms full of stuff about the local mining and area and Tassie in general. A few photos dont come close to showing it.

 After a few hours in Queenstown we went to Strahan to set up our camp for the next couple of nights.

 We met up with the first of the 'myswag' families and went for a walk along the beach and had a look at the Australia Day carnival that was on right next to the Caravan Park.

 The 100 odd year old residence on the caravan park had burnt down a few days ago and it appeared as though the heat from the fire had burnt some poor campers tent right on the exact  site we were set up on last time we stayed there! 

We didnt get to Strahan until late afternoon so it wasnt long and it was time for tea and a few photos of the beautiful sunset over the heads.

By this time the second 'myswag' family had arrived and set up so we all sat around for the rest of the night chatting and having a few drinks.


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