Sunday 6 January 2013

A weekend of Fires, beaches, lakes, bush and pubs

We had a family member over from the mainland for a few days so we did a little bit of sight seeing on the weekend he was here.
No need for too much detail or even a blog entry really but we liked some of the pics so here they are!

Just one important thing to mention was that on this weekend in certain parts, Tassie was experiencing a very bad bushfire weekend and lost dozens of houses to the fires. While we were not near the fires you can still see the distinct haze in the sky.......Yes I know you mainlanders are used to a haze in the sky, but down here we dont have big city smog ;)

One of the days was a drive up the central highland Lakes area for a look.

The Great Lake

The Great Lake Hotel. Beautiful in summer and full of snow in the winter.

 And back down the other side after visiting the little town of Poatina.

Aftermath of a bush fire.

 We then spent the rest of the day swimming at Cressy pool :)

The next day we went for a drive up to the North East Coast and down to the East Coast town of St Helens.

Batman Bridge

Bridport Festival

 Eddystone Point

Eddystone Point Light House

We then did a bit of off roading to get to the East Coast

 And then after some more bush driving we finally stopped for a coffee at a new takeaway at Mathinna :)


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