Sunday 27 January 2013

A Sunny West Coast Long Weekend Day 3

The next morning we decided to go for a bike ride into the township and look around the harbour.

Our first stop was the huon pine saw mill. The products were really nice and had a price tag to match ;)

We then rode 6 or so kays around the beautiful harbour

 We then came back to camp, dropped the bikes off and drove back into town to look at some more sights and to do the Hogarth Falls walk.

We returned to camp, had lunch and then went for a drive out to Macquarie Harbour to check out the 'free' camp sites. The camp sites out there were packed with 20 something year old kids on their quad bikes and all the other shenanigans that goes with the territory......we were young once so dont hold it against them but enjoy the peace and serenity these days so glad we chose to stay where we did!

We will however return there one day when its an off weekend because it is a beautiful location right on the beach.
 I cant remember the facts on this beach but its something like 30 kays long, you can drive along it and it is obviously a play ground for jet ski's, boats, bikes and fishing. I of course didnt catch any fish ;)

We spent quite a while here, the kids loved it.

 On the way in to the harbour we saw a nice little picnic ground that had a great spot for kayaking so on the way back we did exactly that, had a play with the kayak.

 It was now getting late so we went back to camp and cooked a yummy roast turkey in the weber.

After tea we all once again sat around and chatted until very late after what was a big day.


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