Monday 28 January 2013

A Sunny West Coast Long Weekend Day 4

The next morning we had a lazy start and packed up camp around 10am. Said our good byes to the other families and started making our way home.

This time we chose to go up through the centre via Zeehan, Roseberry, Tullah etc.

Our first stop was the Henty Dunes....they were the largest dunes we have seen. Photos just dont do them justice.

 Then the lookout that over looks the mountains to the north and the coast to the west.

 We had to drive past the Pioneer Museum last time we were in the area but this time we got to have a look and just like the museum in Queenstown we didnt have the time to do the place justice. Just so much to see, it really is a half day museum.
Only small group of photos of what was another really interesting place.

 Next stop Roseberry to have a look at Stitt Falls but was disappointed that the viewing platform was in a really bad spot and getting a photo was difficult.

 After driving through Tullah and the lakes in the area we chose to go up over Cradle Mountain road to get home.

 Lake Cethana near Wilmot...I think! There was some nice camp spots in this area we want to look at one day.

And before you know it we were home after a great long weekend. The weather was perfect, it was great to meet some more 'myswaggers' and we really enjoyed seeing some more of Tassie.


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