Thursday 26 January 2012

ACT/NSW/VIC Holiday - Day 1

Before our holiday even started we were a little concerned about fitting 5 of us with all our gear in the car so we did a couple of test runs locally and although it was a big load we managed to just make it work ;)

The roof rack had the tents, chairs, water, swag and several other largish items that didn't matter too much if they got wet, while the drawers held the food and cooking utensils etc and above the drawers was the clothes and bedding...........all shoved in so there wasn't the slightest bit of space left! But all human occupants had unobstructed sitting space :)

The day before all loaded up.

We were all up nice and early to a nice sunny day all excited to finally be heading off.

We pretty much drove straight onto the boat which was a nice change.

This is the first time we have been on a day sailing so it was a bit of a novelty to sit outside and look at the sights in day light!
A couple of things spring to mind about the 9 hour boat trip, first of all it was a long tiring day. And secondly after all the times I have been on the spirit of tas I have never been on any of the other decks. Besides the main deck 7 that has the main eatery, gift shop and cinema there are several other decks with lounges, bars, shops, tables, televisions, dance floor etc LOL

Here are a small group of pics from the trip over.

 Spirit of Tas 1 passing by us on the way to Tassie.

 We took chicken rolls and drinks onto the boat so we didnt have to spend too much money on expensive food, although the kids still managed to talk us into buying breakfast. 
We went to the movie theatre twice so the kids could watch movies, and the adults could have a nanna nap LOL

And finally after 9 hours we arrive in Melbourne.

 Ill try to book this boat next time we are sailing to the mainland ;)

 We were lucky enough to not only get straight on the boat but we were first off the boat as well. We only took one small wrong turn getting out of Melbourne and then headed up the freeway to Kilmore. We booked into our cabin at Kilmore caravan, which was small, dirty and had no toilet paper and then went into the township and grabbed three of the largest pizzas you have ever seen, and only $30, go figure!

We all then got to bed reasonably early, about 10 or so after a long tiring boat trip. 


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