Sunday 29 January 2012

ACT/NSW/VIC Holiday - Day 4

A bit of a late start again today, first off we met Jen and crew to give Bella back to her ;) Then we all went into Canberra to Questacon, which is like a big science centre, although the main feature was shut when we were there :( and they still charged the same!

I could have spent longer in this place but the kids were rushing through a bit...go figure.

 After Questacon we all went to Pine Island and had chicken salad sangas for lunch. It was very hot so we went for a swim in the river.

The water looks terrible in the photos but it was fine to swim in, in fact it was a great river to swim in. Nice sandy bottom, warm water etc. 

 Then we went to Jens to do some washing, we had a nice barby cooked by Lou and we went to the supermarket to grab some supplies.

Finally a couple of pics with Jen and Lou in them!

After tea we went back to camp, collected some more fire wood and explored the pine forest to discover some old huts and a carved tree :) 

 It was another nice night to sit under the stars enjoying a few drinks around the camp fire. It was our last night in the ACT. We made a yummy savoury damper for supper and then went to bed to what was going to turn out to be a very adventurous night.................... stay tuned LOL


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