Saturday 28 January 2012

ACT/NSW/VIC Holiday - Day 3

Today was a big day, we got a latish start, about 10am and headed over to Cockington Green. For those that don't know it is one of those miniature towns but this one would be the biggest (in area!) of its type in Australia. Ill let the photos do the talking on this one, some of the photos are worth enlarging, this place is amazing.

 Phew, the photos probably dont show the amazing detail so check it out for yourself.

Next stop was Mount Ainslie lookout where we made ourselves salad sangas for a very late lunch while checking out the view over Canberra.
It was stinking hot at this stage too so we all got changed into some cooler clothes! The photos show the war memorial, anzac drive leading up to the old and new parliament houses, telstra tower and general pics over-seeing the area.

 We then decided to check out the War Memorial. We spent many hours in this place and didn't really get to do it justice. So much to read and look at. We had a nice gentleman help us out in the research centre and gave us our families war history and records which was great.

Once again ill let the pics show some of what we saw.

 There were not too many of these handed out during war time, it is the VC Victoria Cross, the highest bravery medal awarded. Being the patriotic type that I am, I have read a lot about WW1 and I can tell you nearly everyone that served in the trenches deserved one of these!

The wall with all the names of the people who have died fighting in wars for our freedom is a very humbling place :( Poppy Aleks was on the HMAS Hobart when it was accidently bombed by the Americans and 2 sailors lots their lives.

 Id recommend seeing the war memorial without your kids if you want to spend the entire day there, which you can easily do. It covers all the wars in great detail. Its important that the kids get to see all this but perhaps make a second trip without them LOL

Next stop was a quick look at the new and old Parliament houses and a drive by the big water spout on Lake Burley Griffin.

 We then went to a supermarket and grabbed a few supplies and headed back to camp to cook a roast chook in the camp oven.

Jen, Louis, and the kids came over to our camp site for tea and drinks and chatting, which was great, sadly we dont have any photos for some reason but they were there! Bella slept over for the night with Sarah.

 We then lit a fire and sat around under the stars and had a few drinks before heading off to bed.


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