Tuesday 31 January 2012

ACT/NSW/VIC Holiday - Day 6

Bit of a late start again today. We went to poppy Aleks' around 10am to get the kids and headed up to the Illawarra Fly Tree Top Walk up near Minnamurra Rain Forest.
We had some lunch, paid our $80 and off we went ;)

Wombats get special attention!

Not long into the walk and Michelle broke one of her thongs. So being the gentleman I am, I gave her my crocs and walked around using her broken, very lady looking thongs! lol

The walk is high up above the tree's, not for anyone that's scared of heights. I don't particularly like heights but felt safe enough most of time, although climbing the tower got my butterflies happening!

It wasnt the clearest of days but the photos make it look a lot smoggier than it actually was for some reason.

Yep we climbed this tower.

And just some general pics of the walk.

One of my Favourite pics of us together :)

AFter the Fly walk, which was great, we had a coffee and then went on the short drive around to Carrington Falls for a look.

A couple of the beautiful girls in my life :) xxx

After the Falls we went back down to the coast and went to Stocklands shopping centre in Shellharbour, bought myself a rash vest and some groceries.
We then went back to camp to prepare some food as the whole family was coming over to our camp grounds for a barby.

Boys Club!

Now the Family pics.............

'Big' Nanna with the grand kids.

Big Nanna with two sisters, Michelle and Danielle

Big Nanna with us

Big Nanna with her children, Beruta, Aleks and son in law Noel

Big Nanna with Denise and Michael

And so and so forth.................

The whole clan..............

It was a great night catching up with everyone.


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