Monday 2 January 2012

New Years Eve Camping at Mathinna

New Years Eve at Mathinna is a regular camping trip but this year we went to a new secret squirrel location we discovered.

We arrived Friday before lunch and checked out a few of the regular camping spots before settling on the secret squirrel location on the banks of the Esk river.

Before we were set up

All set up and everyone else arrives and gets set up also.

Wasn't too long and every one was having a drink or three, seasoning camp ovens and the lads collected some wood.

 After a reasonably quiet night, we had a good nights sleep and the next morning went for a bit of a 4WD trip around the slightly lost....had a nice lunch in the bush and then found our way home several hours after we should have been back!!

 We made a nice tea, headed over to Turners Tavern in Mathinna to catch up with old friends and came back to camp to settle in to some NYE drinking. Although it was a relatively quiet night in the end..............what happens at camp stays at camp ;) 

Turners Tavern

  Let the serious drinking start ;) Happy New Year 2012

 The next day the heads were not too sore, pancakes for breakfast then we went for a look at Mathinna Falls and had a barby lunch at Evercreach Forest Reserve. 

Evercreach has the largest white gum in the world :)

 After a very nice day out we went back to camp, cooked a roast in the new camp oven and settled into some more fun and games around the camp fire.

 The next morning we packed up and headed home after a great weekend with friends and sunshine.


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