Saturday 4 February 2012

ACT/NSW/VIC Holiday - Day 10

The rain finally stopped at around midnight and then the feral cats or possums or something were banging around on our table we left outside under the awning annoying me most of the night LOL

But to wake up early the next morning to a foggy morning but to see the sun breaking through the fog was a relief!

Here are some pics of this fantastic camping ground beside the shoalhaven river and best of all its free!


We were not up for long and poppy Aleks and the kids all arrived, kayaks on the roof too :)

Not long after they got there we popped into town to grab a few supplies before all the others arrived.

While we were at the shop everyone else arrived and started setting up.
It was tent city on our side of camp by the time everyone got set up, and only for one night!

Luckily the others brought along some nice big tarps for shelter because at this stage it was very hot. After the last few days rain no one was complaining.

 We then popped down to the river for a bit of a look and play around with the kayaks before lunch.


Lunch time

After a sausage sizzle for lunch the fun and games down at the river begun. We all went exploring up the river,  we all went swimming and generally messing around in this beautiful river on what was a very hot day :)

 Bit hard to see here but some of the other campers were obviously using mud to treat their skin ;)

After the days fun on the river it was time to go back to camp for tea and drinks.
Steak, schnitzels, garlic spuds and salad for tea.

Everyone sitting around relaxing. We went for a late night walk to see the wombats but besides that it was just sitting around having a few drinks and laughs.

The mountains around the valley as the sun is coming down.

 More relaxing :)

 It was a fun day. We headed off to bed pretty late looking forward to a bigger day the next day.


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