Friday 3 February 2012

ACT/NSW/VIC Holiday - Day 9

Well you guessed it we woke up to more rain, so time to get the hell out of this and go and find some sunshine!
We made arrangements with the rest of the family to meet them all up at Bendeela camping grounds at Kangaroo Valley for the weekend so thats where we headed!
Poppy was going to bring the kids up for us so packing up our very wet camp site was easy, we just shoved it all in the car.

Yep it was a wet pack up!

Bloody Toyota holding up our Patrol and an almost identical Patrol going up Macquarie Pass ;)

We grabbed lunch at the famous Robertson Pie shop

And arrived to a wet camp ground LOL And surprising we were not alone, there were several other campers up there as well.

So setting up in the rain!

But before long we had it all set up and was able to cook a nice tea.

Funny how the expression 'nice day for ducks' comes to mind ;) 

Anyway, we were happy to have everything setup and ready for the others to arrive....which as it turned out they were smart enough to wait until the next day when the sun came out so we had a nice night on our own.


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