Thursday 9 February 2012

ACT/NSW/VIC Holiday - Day 15

One good thing about having no set plans is you can do what you want when it suits depending on the weather etc and today was no exception.

The day was overcast but it had a real feel of rain about it so we decided over a pancake and savoury damper breakfast to pack up camp a day early and head down to sunny Lakes Entrance.

As it turned out we made the right decision but we made it about an hour too late because just as we started packing up it started pouring with rain! So another wet pack up, and this was our last pack up as we decided to stay in cabins for the last few nights. Everything went in the car and on the roof rack pretty messy but we thought we can always tidy it up before we get on the boat.

We had to back track a little bit to get diesel then we headed down the coast stopping on the way at a bakery and bought pies for lunch.

 Just a quick 300 kay run down the coast.

Once at Lakes Entrance we found a nice caravan park and got the upgraded cabin right near the pool so we could sit on the verandah and watch the kids swim.

 We went into town for a look around and to get some supplies then got back and spent some time in the pool.

 Then I decided to cook the family a nice meal. 
Crumbed chicken, lettuce and bacon salad, grilled spuds and a couple of nice sauces to go with it. Everyone loved it of course ;)

After tea we watched some telly and late in the night me and the boys decided to go and buy some icecream and ice magic LOL Then we got to bed pretty late.


  1. Could have called into unanderra on the way past

  2. Gday Tony, its been a long time. Hope life has been good to ya!
