Monday 6 February 2012

ACT/NSW/VIC Holiday - Day 12

We were up nice and early to an overcast day and managed to get everything packed up by 9am and on the road.
We stopped for a stretch and a drink on the way down the coast and ended up at Batehaven at Caseys Beach Holiday Park.

After so many days camping we decided to spend the night in a cabin. The cabins were not ready until 2pm so we went and had Fish and Chips at the local park. We had a look around the area, did some shopping and headed to the cabin at about 2pm.

 Once we were settled in we did some washing at the caravan park, had a swim and a few drinks and generally relaxed making the most of the mod cons of the cabin!
We went back into town and bought some oysters we saw cheap earlier and cooked up a nice tea.

 Another nice night annoying the kids and then off to bed to wake up to the next days adventures :) 


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