Wednesday 8 February 2012

ACT/NSW/VIC Holiday - Day 14

Today we woke up to no rain after a little bit over night. It was overcast but still very muggy and warm. We had pancakes for breakfast and drove into Eden for a look around. 
We had a look at a second hand GIC camper trailer and wished we were not using a tent LOL
We went to the info centre again, we decided to leave the whale museum for another day and went back to camp to have a relaxing day sitting around doing nothing for a change.
We collected fire wood on the way back to camp, had sausages, steak and salad for lunch and went for a look around the area.

Can I play with your phone please mum!!

We had chicken bacon and egg wraps for tea and damper for supper and spent a really nice night playing family games and generally being silly around the camp fire.


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