Sunday 5 February 2012

ACT/NSW/VIC Holiday - Day 11

We were all up reasonably early to a foggy morning. The fog lingers in the valley over night and doesnt lift until about 8am or so on a nice sunny day it seems.

 Eggs Benedict for breaky yummo 

The thistles in a near by paddock were releasing the 'fairys' when a gust of wind blew them to sarahs delight.

A few random pics of the day and area.

Then back to the river for more kayaking and swimming by all on what was another hot day :)

Number 1 son hates photos, Im thinking he doesnt know we got these on the zoom lense lol

 Noel, Beruta and big nanna came up for the day for a visit also which was nice. After the mornings swimming we had pizza for lunch and watched the others pack up their camp to head home.

Once they were all packed up we went for another quick swim, then said our good byes. We went down to the township to grab a few supplies and was going to have a swim at the bridge but there were too many people so we said goodbye to poppy Aleks and headed back to camp for a yummy roast lamb in the camp oven.

This little fella decided to come through the fence for a scratch and explore, then simply went back through the fence back to his hole!!

 After tea we had a few drinks, sat around chatting to the kids which was nice and headed to bed reasonably early so we could be up early to pack up and go to our next adventure.

A few more random pics of this day/night that I decided to keep.


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