Thursday 1 August 2013

Day 27 KAKADU Tassie to Darwin

This morning we headed down to the Nourlangie Region, firstly for a walk around Anbangbang Billabong. It was a couple of kays, sometimes in the heat to get all the way around it but it was a beautiful place. It had all sorts of bird life, Kangaroo's and even pigs using the water.

We then went to the Nourlangie Anbangbang Rock art site. It had ranger talks and the whole place was really interesting.

We drove down to the Yellow Water region and had salad wraps for lunch ;)
It is very commercial here so we had a look at the souvenir shops and was very tempted to do the Yellow River Cruise but at over $500 for our family we decided against it. We went for a walk along the board walk instead and decided as a family to put the $500 towards something else.

We drove down to the Warradjan Cultural Centre which was really interesting, we also grabbed an icey pole each...$12.50 ;)
Our next stop was to have a look at Mardugal Billabong but we took the wrong track and ended up walking a couple of kilometres in the searing heat before we realised we were on the wrong track! So we went back to the car all hot and exhausted and didnt worry about doing the proper walk LOL

So we drove down the 6 kay 4wd track to have a look at Sandy Billabong.

We had to be careful at the Billabong because as the sign says there is a large dangerous Buffalo in the area! The camp ground down here was beautiful but empty ;)

After a pretty full day of walking around in the heat we went back to Jabiru to fill up with diesel and then back to camp for a much needed swim.

Adam made us home made pizzas in the webber for tea.

Then Michelle and myself went to the poor/bar area for a slide show and talk with the ranger about rock art which was really good.

And that ended another full day, but we have an even bigger day tomorrow four wheel driving into Jim Jim and Twin Falls.


  1. fantastic trip story and photos are great as well really enjoying the read and can not wait until you continue with the blog -- thanks for sharing - Marcus woops aka anomynous
