Monday 12 August 2013


Its fair to say we all slept pretty good after our long days driving the day before. I know I did. Todays aim is to get to Ballarat which is not that far away really so its a pretty easy drive day.

Our cabin was a dump to put it blunt but thats all we needed.

Some of the sights on the drive to Ballarat.

A brand new truck burnt out??

A great man gone way too early in life. RIP Andy Caldercott.

And the border crossing. We are back in Victoria and confidence is growing that against our failing rig and camper we are going to make it home!

Only in Australia, you bloody ripper :)

Not long down the road we arrived at a sunny but freezing Ballarat.

There had been a lot of rain, the ground was drenched and it looked like a lot more was on the way so we grabbed ourselves a nice cabin at one of the local big 4's to treat ourselves after everyone being so good setting up and packing up the camper for the last 6 weeks.

A really nice cabin it was too.

Anyone would think the kids have been deprived!!

We got settled into the cabin, went into Ballarat and did some shopping and that was pretty much it for the day as it was pouring down with rain and windy outside so we relaxed in doors. It was a novelty to see rain though after 6 weeks of sunshine!


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