Friday 2 August 2013

Day 28 KAKADU Tassie to Darwin

Today we wanted to drive all the way into Jim Jim and Twin Falls. It is supposedly a 2 hour one way trip into the falls from the road so we were up pretty early and before long had turned off the main road onto the very corrugated road/track into the falls.

Not long into the track we decided to air down the tyres as the corrugations were epic, even though plenty of four wheel drives went flying past while we were airing down with their suspension shaking violently lol

The road in soon turned into more of a four wheel drive track, even though we didnt really need to use 4wd it is still recommended so you dont chop up the track.
Heres a few pics of the road in.

We turned off towards Twin Falls where we were met by rangers who were keeping an eye on who was using the track in as they have a reasonably deep river crossing and I guess they are sick of helping out drowned 'wicked campers' ;)

Not too far down the road you get to the car park and take a short walk down to the water where there is a little boat that takes you up the river on a guided tour to the start of the walk into Twin Falls.

Like all good tourists we were all getting pics of the beautiful scenery.

The boat trip up the river is only short. They drop you off and make sure you can use a UHF because they leave a little hand held sitting on a rock so you can call them to come and pick you up when your finished!
The walk in is over some large rocks but only short in comparison to some of the walks we have done.

Once there you are rewarded with a little beach like area right under the falls which flow all year round although not as much water this time of year.

 Sarah had a bit of a spill on the way in and took a little bit of bark off her elbow :(

After spending enough time there we walked back out, called up the little boat and was lucky enough to spot a little fresh water croc sunning itself on a log. 
No big saltys in the croc trap unfortunately.

We then drove out and went down to Jim Jim Falls. This track doesnt require any deep river crossings so it is a little more accessible to most.

Once there it is quite a walk into the Falls over big rocks and up and down the rivers edge.

The rocks are larger than Sarah but she managed to get there no worries :)

Once you hike the obstacle course you are disapointed this time of year to no water flowing over the falls and like all the water holes in Kakadu there could be salt water crocs around so swimming is a risk.

However it was so hot and such an epic walk into the place we still had a bit of paddle in the shallows on the edge of the water because we had a good view of the water hole and was pretty certain there were no salt water crocs in there....a few fresh water crocs but they are harmless ;)
Sadly a Victorian tourist was killed in this exact water hole only a couple of weeks prior to us being there. 

After a long day looking at the falls we headed back out and drove back to Jabiru to grab a few supplies.
We put a roast pork into the Weber and went and had a couple of drinks at the bar and few games of pool while the roast was cooking.
We then enjoyed our nice roast, packed a few things up and hit the sack.


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