Thursday 15 August 2013

Day 41 HOME Tassie to Darwin

The sailing was rough and I have to admit I felt a bit ill at one stage! 

But we got off the boat early and after the usual Tassie rigmarole getting off we were finally on home soil.

It was a lovely day but still had snow on the mountains in the distance.

Home safe and sound after a fantastic holiday. 

We did over 11000 Kilometres over 40 days. Set the camper up and packed up 19 times.
All our fears of the kids travelling and having to set up camp so many times didnt come true. Everyone got in and did their piece making it easy for all of us. Michelle and I are really pleased with how the kids went with everything. 
We had our adversities to overcome with the Patrol and camper but once again we all stuck together and got through everything that was thrown at us. And now that it is over its is those things that help to make the memories.
We did our holiday as cheap as we could. It is expensive bringing a family of 5 over on the boat and doing a road trip from one end of Australia to the other but we managed it on the budget we had allowed ourselves....just!
We met some fantastic people along the way, so many like minded families and individuals. 

And that pretty much sums up our 40 days Holiday :) Until next time...............


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