Tuesday 13 August 2013

Day 39 BALLARAT Tassie to Darwin

We were keen to do the Sovereign Hill touristy thing but the weather so bad we decided that for the cost of getting in it would probably be spoilt by the freezing cold winds and rain so we just did as much as we could in between the rain in town.

The beat up tug and camper looks almost relieved to be parked up for a couple of days!

A couple of pics of the sights in Ballarat.

We went and had a look at the Eureka touristy thing!

The actual flag!

We had a look around the shops in town and grabbed a drink :)

Then it was back to the cabin to make use of the facilities. A spa, sauna and swim! Yep Tasmanians go swimming when its -2 outside LOL

We spent the rest of the night relaxing indoors again.


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